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Yoni Detox Pearls and Applicators

Our Pink Nekta Yoni Detox Pearls are a holistic approach to help restore feminine health and confidence. Detox pearls have been used by women throughout time to help improve a variety of conditions and help maintain a healthy pH environment of the yoni. Herbal pearls are safe to use, free of chemicals and preservatives. Feel Renewed and Awaken Your Inner Goddess!

How does the Pink Nekta Yoni Detox Pearl work?

Pink Nekta Yoni Detox Pearls are meant to give women an all-natural herbal option for a balanced pH, Fresh Scent and clean feminine area instead of a chemical one. The herbal ingredients of Our Detox Pearls are absorbed into the body vaginally. The pearls also draw out waste in the womb and vaginal canal. Over about 3 days women start a process known as 'the purge' which is like an exfoliation for your vagina. All the gunk that is attracted to the front of your vaginal canal with our Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls is now making its way out. Many women experience vaginal skin cells, old blood clots, yeast, mucus, and more being released in their PURGES.

The herbs work to aid in overall womb wellness and cleansing by working with the body to expel contents that may be working against the overall wellness of the womb and vagina.

Usage: Insert 1 pearl for 24-48 hours. Wash your hands and vulva clean prior to insertion. Let the string hang outside vulva after insertion. Drink LOTS of water during cleanse. Every package comes with more detailed instructions.

Three (3) Pink Nekta Yoni Detox Pearls equal a cleanse

Warning: Do not use more than 6 pearls per month. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Do not use if pregnant or suspect to be pregnant, bleeding or with IUD. Not intended to diagnosis, treat or cure any disease or acute infection.

Do not use pearls until 2 days after you have finished with your menstrual period.

Natural Ingredients: Borneol, pseudo-ginseng, ligusticum wallichii, frankincense, myrrh, the root of red-rooted salvia, safflower, peach kernel, polygonum caspidatum, root bark of peony tree, radices saussureae, lignum santali albi, rhizoma cyperi

Do not use if pregnant or suspect to be pregnant. Not intended to diagnosis, treat or cure any disease or acute infection.

This Product is organic.

Specifications: 1g each/Yoni Pearl

Pink Nekta:
Yoni Detox Pearls

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